Saturday, October 3, 2015

She can clap!

Avery is such a smart, tricky girl! She has been clapping for a couple of weeks, but it used to be that when we started clapping she would catch on and clap along. Now, all I have to do is say "Avery, can you clap for me?" and she will start clapping without me or anyone else even clapping for her so she can see what she is supposed to do. So obviously she is recognizing the word "clap" and knows what she's supposed to do when she hears it! And, she's so proud of herself! It's so darling. She's such a dainty, delicate little girl and even her claps are very delicate. She's just so darn cute and such a joy! Love this sweet girl of mine! 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

First shopping cart ride

Today was a big day! The twins had their first shopping cart ride at Costco! This opens a whole new world for Mama,
not having to haul the double stroller in there each time and put a limited amount of groceries in the stoller's basket, or get Luke or Halle to help me push a cart. They sat up great and I realized I could have probably could have tried this sooner. They loved riding in the cart and were laughing like it was a ride when I first put them in. Then Avery would start fussing everytime we stopped. She wanted the ride to keep going! Haha. 

And we only got stopped about ten times today ;). "Are they twins?" "They are so cute!" "What are their names?" "Are they identical?" "How old are they?" "My cousin's wife's sister has twins!" Haha. Twins do attract a lot of attention in public places! I don't usually mind the questions, it's just hard when I'm in a hurry, and when I'm trying to hurry before the babies get fussy! It's pretty funny. 

They are such good babies! Love them! 

After I put them in the cart here in the parking lot Halle said, "Aww, they look so cute! Take a picture of them, mom!" :)