In the background is "Boo." He's pretty much all the twins can think or talk about lately 😂. They want to be out playing by him ALL THE TIME (Avery will only get within about 10 feet of him because he's "scarewee", but she still can't stop talking about him). He was in the front yard but that wasn't working too well with two of them and only one of me - I would end up chasing them in opposite directions, finally catching them and carrying both inside under my arms kicking and screaming to avoid runaway babies down the middle of the street 🙈. So over the weekend Cory came up with the brilliant idea to move Boo in the backyard (why didn't I think of that?). Now they can be out by Boo all they want. They get pretty upset when he has to go to "sleep" at night (aka deflate) but we make up for it with the excitement of inflating him the next morning 🤗. It's so funny the unexpected things kids become obsessed with!