Whenever I suggest something like let's read a book, or play with blocks, or whatever it may be, she also comes back with the happiest, enthusiastic little responses like "ok mom!"
I think it's the cutest thing, and I must say her happiness and enthusiasm for life is contagious! When she gets so excited I can't help but be excited, too :).
She also gets super excited when we see something driving that makes her excited, like a bus or a dog or something like that.
Tonight it was so funny, we were driving to the store and stopped at an intersection when she said very excitedly "oh, look mom! A rock!" I looked to the side of the road to where she was pointing and sure enough, there were a few larger sized decorative boulder type rocks on the side of the road. I thought it was so cute and funny she would get so excited about a rock, but that's the way she is - she seems to find happiness and excitement in even the little things! Love this about her. Somehow I don't think she will grow out of this enthusiasm for life, it just seems in her nature. I think she will always be full of happiness and life and enthusiasm, which I love! How lucky I am to be this sweet, smart, busy, happy girl's mom!

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