Sunday, July 9, 2017

Cast! And eating Mac & Cheese off the ground

Avery got her hard cast on Friday. She had been saying she wanted a purple one but when she was shown the colors she loved the pink and quickly decided she wanted that color 😊. It matched her outfit perfectly! She was very brave but of course getting her temporary cast cut off was a little scary and her poor little arm was shaking and she said it hurt 😢. Poor sweet girl. The nurses were good and got the new cast on pretty quickly. I held Avery the whole time and helped her feel better. As we walked out and started again saying "the doctors help-a-me!" which is what she has been saying through this whole ordeal. She's such a sweetheart.

Since we were downtown at Primary Children's hospital we stopped at daddy's work and he came down to the road to say hi to us and to see Avery's cast. After that she was worried about where Asher was (she doesn't like to be without him for long and gets worried about him) so we hurried back to grandma Lori's house to see him and show him her cast 😀. Here she is on the way home.

Lately when Avery gets hurt or worried and Asher isn't around she says "I worried about Dashy" or "Sashy" (she calls him both). They aren't apart very often but since she has hurt her arm this is the third time she has had to go to the hospital without him and she is always concerned about him. I think it's so cute and it's usually when she gets sad that she says she's worried about him and that he might be sad too, and I always reassure her that he's ok and that we will see him soon 👫💗💙.

This was the day before, but it was so funny. They had been eating Mac and Cheese for lunch and Asher accidentally spilled his bowl, but it was no big deal. They just started eating it off the floor! Haha! I about stopped them but then thought, oh why not. The floors are pretty clean 😉.

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